By using hand shadows Gela Kandelaki created an entirely new system in theatrical arts. This system is an organic blend of the characteristics and elements of opera, ballet, pantomime and animated films, based on the main principals of classical drama theater.
It is this complicated blend, that turns this seemingly simple and naïve hand silhouettes into the creatures with the most complex and intense feelings. This new theatrical system is of particular interest to those artists who value pure artistic form.
Unlike the actors in dramatic theater, main characters of Budrugana are free of their bodies. They are not material – they are shadows. But at the same time they are human in their actions and they are alive, because they are shadows of human hands.
Technical Specification
Stage – Depth: 4 m. (13 ft.); Width: 5 m. (16.4 ft.); Height: 3.5 m (11.5 ft.). Stage Contains: Screen (Length: 2m.), shadows are displayed on this screen, Lighting system, Boxes with a verity of height. Actors are standing on these boxes. While touring, Budrugana carries its own lighting system, screen, curtains, and the structure, but it is always appreciated when hosting company provides the sound system and platforms. Good sound system is very important, Budrugana’s performances are based on a music and/or audio affects.
No lights are allowed in the performing hall during the performance (Mobile Phone, Camera). Any kind of light heavily damages actual visuals.